Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Introductory Paragraph

 Gandhi said, "I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary, the evil it does is permanent." This means that no matter how good revenge or getting even may sound. The way people look at you has a big effect on this. They may look at you in a evil way and you cant take back things you do once something is said or done, its out there. You can never take it back. This quote is totally true because despite if people doesn't always follow that. Most people believe it is wrong even though revenge or total dominance can feel so great. This can be seen in Founders when the main character kills those men when they threaten him, whether it was a good decision or bad the outcome in this world will always be the same. You can never take someones life, despite how you feel in the moment. People that resort to violence could be selfish, and showing forms of laziness looking for the easy way out, they could also be looking for some form of self acceptance.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." 
I agree with this quote very much. People makes hero out to be as the biggest or the strongest person.  A hero doesnt have to be someone special, its just someone willing to do and stand up for whats right. I've seen many people back down from big, clutch situations  because they don't believe in there self.  No matter how big or small don't be overlooked by your physical appearance.   People need to over look what they can't control and they need to control things within there self.  No matter what you always have to choice to stand up and fight win or lose a hero is someone who gives it there all.
I am Ben
I am very excited about my life and opening this new chapter in my life.
I wonder how my life will continue to plan out and what will come.
I hear many great things about the country.
I see the pieces of my life falling into place.
I want to have a easier less stressful life.
I am very excited about my life and opening this new chapter in my life.

I pretend to be happy but i want much more.
I feel the move will be great for my family.
I touch and reach out to all my loving friends.
I worry about what will become of the law firm.
I cry as i am saying bye to my friends.
I am very excited about my life and opening this new chapter in my life.

I understand change is hard but you have to make the best of it.
I say i will miss them.
I dream of my future in the counrty.
I try to motivate my family.
I hope everything goes well.
I am very excited about my life and opening this new chapter in my life.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I expect to have an action filled book about a families travels when the world is falling apart. The collapsing of America would result in lost of violence and people running around acting crazy.